This is a special stretch of the San, which has been designed exclusively for fly anglers. Licenses are strictly limited and not always available, only barbless hooks and the catch & release principle apply. There is a ban on night fishing. On the special stretch there is an abundance of brown trout and grayling (average specimens of 30-40 cm, a lot of fish of the 40-50 cm size and even more), there is also Danube salmon – a large predatory Salmonidae fish reaching up to 20 kilos in weight.
The special stretch of the San was established in 2004 and initially was 7 kilometers long. Since the 2015 season it will be extended by a further 2 kilometers, that were previously only available for fishing periodically and to a lesser extent time. These additional two kilometers is the lair of the largest brown trout on the San (60-70 cm!) and grayling. It is a fishery quite challenging technically, and the local fishermen call it “Patagonia” because of the abundance of specimen fish. If one prefers a hunt for the largest specimens, giving up smaller fish bites, the “Patagonia” is the perfect place. This special stretch will be made available for fishing from May 15 to October 15.
The whole special stretch of the San (9 kilometers) runs from the hydroelectric power station in Myczkowce to the mouth of the Hoczewka river (close to the town of Lesko). In several places along the river there are temporary car parks or just a few yards of space to leave a car.